Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what to do, what to do...

I so wish I could have taken a picture of the mess but it all happened so quickly...
So there has been a pretty fantastic odor in my apartment. The bathroom is hot and musty and smelly, almost like someone just took a hot shower and makes a huge mess and never cleans it. I wasn't super sure that the people below us had completely moved out over a month ago, but I had a pretty good hunch..On Monday the maintenance guys finally came buy to replace the faucet in the bathroom, so since the smell was just getting worse, I figured I'd bring it up then. We asked, followed them down when they opened the door, and was shocked to find their ceiling colapsed and a water pipe was spraying out from the wall and the entire carpet in the whole apartment was soaked. I cant imagine when that happened since there has been an odor on and off since we pretty much moved in, becoming worse in December (before the people moved out). The maintenance guys turns off the water in that apartment to stop the fountain, but that was all. They closed everything up and left like it was no biggy. Several hours later still no one had done anything. So we walked down and asked about it. I get it, I really do, but these people suck. Seriously..They sent out their people who removed the carpet...sprayed some "anti-mold" cherry smelling chemical which stunk, and closed everything up and left. No one has been there all day, so we will see how long it actually takes for them to fix it. Spraying a little bit of anti-mold I dont think will completely do the job. Considering they still closed everything back up and the apartment was hot and humid , and only removed part of the carpet...
I dont want to be a bitch, but its always something in this place I swear. I'm going to request a formal plan in writing when I can expect everything to be fixed. I went to the doctor today with mold and health concerns and she recommends we get them to move us..wherein lies the problem. Lease is up the end of June or July. Which is fantastically right after the baby gets here..it sounds conventient and easy to just be moved to another apartment, but I have no doubts that things will be the same..We moved to these from the other shitty ones because we thought it would be better..It's not better, we just have different obsticles and issues here. if we move to yet another apartment in this complex, it'll be the same..the same crap. I hate that everything happens at once and really, my time in PA is up in the air (ie. if brendan goes away he isnt too keen on my staying here in PA all alone and not know anyone) but we may just end up moving again anyways...moving our shit twice in 5 months or so isnt exactly appealing to me.
Hence...what to do what to do...

1 comment:

  1. that's fucked up beyond belief!!!! they shouldn't be spraying chemicals around a pregnant woman. dicks! hopefully all the moving shit sorts itself out.
