Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Yesturday I went to the doc for a sonogram. After all the stress with the insurance not paying for it, it went through. No little penis or bump which could deceivingly be some balls. I have a daughter. She's almost 1 lb at 13oz and likes to cross her legs at the ankles...She did this in the first sonogram too and didn't really uncross them at all. She's pretty active, but I'm sure her activity will be increasing each day (and night sadly). I'm so rediculously happy its not funny..even, retardedly, brings tears to my eyes thinking about it (which is probably just surging hormones as usual). I swear the night before the appointment it felt like christmas eve. Except I get to continually open gifts and get more stuff as the year progresses. And the big gift of course...June 9, or so expected, but we'll see. So I tried to attach a photo...but it didnt work out so well, which is still fine since the scanned copy isnt exactly super clear. I sent it to my grandmother without even looking at it, just forwarded it, and then had to email back appologizing bc I didnt realize the crappiness. I'm sure I'll be one of those parents who take a gazillion pictures of their kid for everyone to see...

In other news, one of my mom's dogs died...I'm very sad. She was a part of the family and she was a really great dog. I do realize she was getting into the "old" category for her type, but still, I kinda wish she would live forever. I also found out my mother is getting sicker. She has lyme disease, but no treatments are helping and tests are inconclusive. She is forced to go to work to make ends meet and her job is giving her shit. And I feel aweful because she can barely walk anymore, and her whole body aches as well as this new onset of massive headaches, blackouts and dizziness..
To make matters worse, I'm sure she's becomming quite depressed from all the bull from her job, and my sister has become a bad child. She is 18, shes an adult, but emotionally, mentally, she has the capacity of a 13 yr old. Her boyfriend (who she feels the world would end without) is attached at her hip and together they steal jewerly and money. She has no ambitions for life anymore but to be with her boyfriend...I honestly feel that her self esteem is so low, that she thinks that no one would ever want to be with her other than the current douche. Their relationship is less than decent. She is so easily influenced and tries to take the blame for everything when we know none of this crap is her idea. I wish I could smack some sense into her and show her the light. I kinda feel like I should bring her down here for a couple months (IF she finishes high school..which is another issue) just to get her away from him so she can think for herself and hopefully forget about him. Under the rouse of "helping me with the baby" and all that jazz. The only problem, I would have to become her damn parent and put rules and restrictions on her, it would be super stressful on me and she probably wouldnt do it anyways. if she did, it would be limited time, and she'd be on the phone with him all the time for hours. And, if she did somehow do it, I'm afraid she'd bring drugs into the house (which for a mature rational person I wouldnt care because their chances of being caught are oooh, much slimmer) but shes stupid about that stuff, and if she was caught with drugs in our home, that ruins Brendan's career and our life...

ok sorry, enough with the ranting. I cant fix her issues even though I kinda feel like I have to...Its just adding more stress to my life..
I should be concentrating on baby stuff...and fixing up the baby's room..
We have yet to pick a name. Some which I would pick in a heartbeat Brendan isnt so sure about. This is gonna be a tough one...agreeing on a name . Well, when I get some more pics, whatever they may be...I'll probably post them..
I finally got my computer back (as it blew up and HP had to fix it) so I can get my shit back together...

1 comment:

  1. Here's an idea, get a baby book. each of you write down 10 names and compare lists. if that doesn't work, put whatever name you want on the birth certificate when Brendan's out of the room : )
