Monday, January 12, 2009

unexpected surprise

I've been pretty cranky the last two days...pick anything and I'm sure it has some weight to my 2 minutes ago the mail guy came and noisily shoved the mail through the damn mail slot and banged on the door...Which usually means there is a delivery he's let outside. I had gotten a gift card to Victoria's secret for Christmas and i used it online...YAY! for their semi-annual sales..Anyways, I wasn't expecting the delivery for another day or 2, but I had a wonderful surprise when I went down to check the door. An awesome bagful of underwear. I love underwear and can never have enough...
So I just thought I'd share because my day has gotten infinitely better (even though I woke up still a little cranky).
Oh, and I'm impatient and excited because next week I theoretically get to find out the gender of my baby. That's if it keeps its legs open for us. I'm getting very anxious to start getting stuff and choosing a name and all that.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I love buying undies, that always cheers me up. The boyfriend doesn't appreciate it though : )
